The Soviet Machine


(Molokov and his cronies have assembled in their Bangkok hotel. Throughout this scene, only Viigand, Anatoly's challenger, seems interested in chess, poring over a board, making moves for both black and white, ignoring everthing around him. They have been bugging Anatoly and Florence’s room. We hear their last speeches from the previous scene again.)

Comrades! Why are you looking so worried? We're not dealing with the traitor Sergievsky now. Comrade Viigand here is a disciplined Soviet chess-playing machine!

Just in case you feel a trace
Of doubt or even nervous tension
Let me draw the latest score
To your attention

Not the score the witless corps
Of commentators are debating
Come, admit - who gives a shit
For Elo rating?

No, I prefer and I'm sure you concur
To see who's ahead
For example:

We have on tap an inscrutable chap
Whose thoughts never stray
From the state of the play

(He bangs a gong in VIIGAND's ear. No response.)

Whereas -
It's so difficult to concentrate if
You have left your native
Country for a woman who has plans of her own
It's not easy for a chap to excel
Feeling guilty as hell
Having left his wife to face the music alone

But even worse, imagine if his ladies met
Well then I bet
The atmosphere round here would be a little strained
As he explained
How he could do what he's done to those two
Most wonderful girls
"Yes I love you both!"

Most amusing!

Starting from scratch they'll torpedo his match
His horse-power dead
On the board and in bed

Bit by bit the pieces fit
The Soviet Machine advances
Not one move that won't improve
Our nation's chances

We predict a stunning victory
Both on the board and off it
We will show the traitor no-one
Rats with profit

Oh we're gonna smash that bastard
Make him wanna change his name
Take him to the cleaners and devastate him
Wipe him out, humiliate him
We don't want the whole world saying
They can't even win a game
We have never reckoned on coming second
There's no use in losing

We can feel the flame of triumph burning
Our people's pride returning/Bit by bit the pieces fit
The Soviet machine advances
Not one move that won't improve
Our nation's chances

No I prefer and I'm sure you concur
To see who's ahead
For example:
We have on tap an inscrutable chap
Whose thoughts never stray
From the state of the play

La la la....

Bit by bit the pieces fit
The Soviet Machine advances
Not one move that won't improve
Our nation's chances

Hey! Hey!

We predict a stunning victory
Both on the board and off it
We will show the traitor no-one
Rats with profit

La la la....La!

From Moscow to the Baring Straits
Citizens will hail our victory
In Arctic circles frozen states
Will join with warmer climes in revelry
And I can say of this affair
I was there, did my share, played my part

And Russians all will be aware
I was there, from the start
Mmm - mmm

Checkmate! Goodnight.

(They are all asleep or drunk, or both, save MOLOKOV and a WAITER. MOLOKOV goes to the telephone and makes a call.)

MOLOKOV (into the phone)
Mr. de Courcey? ... Good news. We are going to be able to help each other...yes, heart-warming international co-operation. I have the proof that Florence Vassy's father is alive ... you are going to be able to stage a great human rights victory and all we want is a tiny triumph on the chess board ... it's on its way to you now ... what's that? ... thank you - Walter ... goodbye.

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