Spanish version of biography by Alicia Ortiz
Biography by Alicia Ortiz
One of the two biographies in English available prior to 1978
The other English language book written prior to the end of the regime.
Eva's autobiography in English, published by a vanity press
Acossano's 1955 book. Note how these books all claim to be true.  One of the more interesting anti-<I>peronista</I> tracts.
One of the more lavish memorial books--both the medal and title are in exceptionally high relief.
Text of Eva's speech to province governors 14 June 1950
A pamphlet about what the fundacion had done for women
Beautiful picture book with many new photos and valuable dates for them.
Crespo: Eva Perón: viva o muerta
Written by a loyal <I>peronista</I> after Perón's return
Another of the books published during Peron's return.  It was the first time loyal <I>peronistas</I> could write their side of the story since 1955.
A book published in Spain when <I>Evita</I> opened there.
Recent book with an extraordinary collection of photos of Eva.
Another of the 1972-76 explosion of material from Argentina
Another obviously popular book from Spain
A fascinating Argentine book which managed to be published during the oppressive military regime.
The paperback English translation of Eva's autobiography
One of the first books to cash in on the popularity of the musical.
One of the more sensational books, post-musical. Eva's eyes were NOT blue!
An anti-Peronist book written by an exile in Uruguay.
English translation of purported deathbed manuscript by Eva.
Eva's autobiography.  Editions were available in leather, cloth (this one) and paperback and it was required reading in all schools.
The first scholarly study, post-musical.
The hardback English translation of Eva's biography.
Thousands of pamphlets of this sort were put out by the Peronist propaganda machine.


If you were to read only one book on Eva Perón, I urge you to choose the Alicia Dujovne Ortiz biography. Available in many languages, in hardback and paperback, it is simply the least biased and best written of all listed below. She also provides a discussion of all biographies which have gone before, as well as thoughtful analysis of disputed facts.

Generally, there are several categories of books about the Peróns. Only three books were available in English at the time the Peróns were in power, Eva's ghost-written autobiography and those by Mary Main and Fleur Cowles. All literature in Argentina during the regime was carefully controlled and is uniformly positive. After Perón's overthrow in 1955, a spate of virulently anti-Peronist books and articles was released, as inaccurate and biased as the official party line had been. When Perón returned to power in the 70s, a number of both positive and relatively neutral material was published in Argentina.

There was nothing more in English until Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita was released on record. This resulted in a number of books in English and other languages which ranged from the scurilous to serious scholarly studies. It is doubtful these books would have ever found publishers or readers had the show not been the hit it was. The release of the film brought out another torrent of material, including the very first book (the Ortiz biography mentioned above) which not only was primarily objective but contained major new scholarly work and sources, written by a native Argentine.

To really understand Eva Perón, it is necessary to understand Argentina. Any of the books starred as recommended will be a good start toward comprehension of these people and why they never learned self-government, thus paving the way for dictator after dictator.

As for the material ascribed to Eva herself (including her "autobiography") it consists mainly of excerpts from her public speeches and lectures. What is certain is that she SAID these words. Less certain is whether she wrote them. Several high party members have said she had several speech writers, and even if the contents were what she wanted to say, it was for public consumption--all part of the Peronist propaganda machine. Thus, her books should be read with these facts in mind.

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* recommended

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Bibliography and Text© 1980, 2001 by Sylvia Stoddard