ANTHONY BOWLES, musical director
Started musical career as pit pianist at the Eastbourne Hippodrome at the age of 16 before studying at the Royal Academy of Music. First job as Musical Director was with the now historic Cranks. Other shows include The World of Paul Slickey, Four to the Bar, Joseph, both the Paris and London productions of Jesus Christ Superstar.
Composed scores for countless TV plays, and also for films, including Olivier's Dance of Death and Karel Reisz's Isadora. M.D. of the national Theatre Company 1973-74.
Recently turned to directing plays, and directed a double bill of A Phoenix Too Frequently by Fry and A Slight Accident by Saunders at the Young Vic. On the staff of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, of which he was made a Fellow in 1974.

All biographies from original programs. Photos are reproduced from Evita programs and publicity photos in several private collections and are for research and reference only. Copyrights remain with original copyright holders.
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