Mia Patterson, the Eva alternate, is the woman on the cover of the programs, recordings and theatre
marquee. Paloma felt that Mia's silhouette was closer to the real Eva's profile.
When I arrived at the theatre to see Ignacio Artime and Nadine Boisaubert, Artime said, 'You're going to hate
our dancers and I wish we had Bob Gunton.' He explained that there is no tradition of ballet in Spain, and
therefore the traditional training musical comedy dancers receive is unavailable. The other reference to
probably the greatest Perón of them all, Bob Gunton of the Broadway Company (which Sr. Artime had seen),
meant that his actors playing Perón were opera-trained and as he said, 'go for the note rather than the
lyrics or meaning.'
Madrid is not known for its musical theatre. The only success prior to Evita was Jesus Christ
Superstar, translated, produced and directed by the same team. Superstar ran for 18 months,
Evita for two years prior to an engagement in Barcelona.
There is an 'Avenida General Perón' in Madrid.
Franco's Palace, site of the mobs who greeted Eva from its balcony, is now a public museum.

This material is strictly subject to the fading memory of the author, who heard these stories firsthand.
Any lapses, mistakes or stories misheard should be forgiven due to extreme age.

© 2000