Where were you when the shit hit the fan?
Saving your income by fixing a meeting
So you better start liking the man!
When the interest is bigger than ever
And my walk-out my smartest move yet
All you say is that I ought to meet him
On the top of a mountain?
You bet!
Can't you see that you're losing your grip, dear
Are the Communists fooling you too?
Why should I be the only one trying -
You wanna lose your only friend?
Well, keep it up you're doing fine
Why this humiliation?
Why treat me like a fool?
I've taken shit for seven years
And I won't take it anymore
I'm only teasing Soviets
With gentle bonhomie
And you've a better reason to be anti-them than me
There's a time and there's a place
Well how about here and now? Are you for me or for them?
There's a time and there's a place
1956 - Budapest is rising
1956 - Budapest is fighting
1956 - Budapest is falling
I'd have thought you'd support
Any attack on these people
On the people who ran
Mindlessly over your childhood
Don't let them fool you for
Thirty years on they're the same
1956 - Budapest is fighting
1956 - Budapest is falling
1956 - Budapest is dying
FREDERICK (simultaneously with FLORENCE's lines above)
They see chess as a war
Playing with pawns just like Poland
If you walk out on me
You're really betraying your father
Were he alive now
He'd surely be dying of shame
You know that there's nothing I've done
That he'd be ashamed of in my whole life!
Why'd you have to do this to me?
(Frederick leaves)
What's going on around me
Is barely making sense
I need some explanations fast
I see my present partner
In the imperfect tense
And I don't see how we can last
I feel I need a change of cast
Maybe I'm on nobody's side
And when he gives me reasons
To justify each move
They're getting harder to believe
I know this can't continue
I've still a lot to prove
There must be more I could achieve
But I don't have the nerve to leave
Everybody's playing the game
But nobody's rules are the same
Nobody's on nobody's side
Better learn to go it alone
Recognize you're out on your own
Nobody's on nobody's side
The one I should not think of
Keeps rolling through my mind
And I don't want to let that go
No lover's ever faithful
No contract truly signed
There's nothing certain left to know
And how the cracks begin to show!
Never make a promise or plan
Take a little love where you can
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never stay too long in your bed
Never lose your heart, use your head
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never take a stranger's advice
Never let a friend fool you twice
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never be the first to believe
Never be the last to deceive
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never leave a moment too soon
Never waste a hot afternoon
Nobody's on nobody's side
Never stay a minute too long
Don't forget the best will go wrong
Nobody's on nobody's side
Better learn to go it alone
Recognize you're out on your own
Nobody's on nobody's side
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