In 1981, while playing in Los Angeles, Flo posed in some of her Eva costumes. Note that each garment is hung in the order it is put on--which is why the "Buenos Aires" dress is in front of the Funeral dress--it's worn under it.

Note the detail on the black "Waltz" dress as it never shows up well in official photos. The beadwork is extraordinary--the dress is black shot with silver, then a silk chiffon fabric is over that with clusters of heavy beading on the bottom quarter of the skirt.

At her dressing table, Flo imitates the famous series of photos of the real Eva in Life Magazine. All Eva's costumes are on the rack except the white dress, which is always brought in during intermission from wardrobe, placed on a sheet, so the actor may step into it easily. Oh, and the furs are kept in a vault.

Flo imitates an Eva Perón photo feature in a 1950 Life magazine Wadrobe rack of Eva costumes Eva's custom made shoes
The luxurious lace-trimmed New Argentina robe Flo in the Rainbow Tour suit.  Note elaborate feather hat. This stunning gown looks swell against the Shubert's faux formica cabinets The Charity Concert dress

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All photos are reproduced from Evita programs and publicity photos in the author's collection and are for research and reference only. Copyrights remain with original copyright holders. Original photos by the author.

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