The show opens with the "Story of Chess," led by the Arbiter on a full-stage underlit chessboard with the
chorus moving giant pieces. The story begins in a stylized Bangkok hotel lobby. Freddie's entrance is
introduced by press commentary from a 16-set vidiwall and he announces he's going to go head-to-head
with a chess-playing computer. The meeting in the Arbiter's chambers and his song have been reinstated
from London, but "U.S. vs U.S.S.R." and the "Merchandiser's Song" are gone. Freddie's tantrum over
the "coded" yogurt, Florence's fight with Freddie, and romance with Anatoly proceed as in the Nelson
version, though Florence is much more upset about Freddie catching her kissing his rival. She follows
him and apologizes for betraying his trust. Anatoly doesn't defect, per se; he seeks immigrant status
primarily to keep Florence from leaving Bangkok. He says he loves her; she's not sure. The press
wants to know if he's denouncing perestroika and he answers with "Anthem."
The second act is continuous action from the first act. Florence pounds on Freddie's door to apologize
again. But he's missing, out on the seedy streets of the city ("One Night in Bangkok"). He's badly beaten
up before he's found by Walter. A week passes and Florence is both regretful of hurting Freddie and
anxious to please Anatoly. She and Anatoly are being followed and spied upon; they don't know by
whom. Svetlana arrives and tries to bring Anatoly back to the marital and Soviet fold. Molokov tells
Anatoly of all the disasters befalling his relatives in Russia since his "emigration." Anatoly becomes an
emotional wreck. Florence, still seeking Freddie's blessing, begs him to help Anatoly by asking for
another week off. He does, but the Arbiter won't go for it. When Anatoly complains of being given the
run-around at the U.S. Embassy, Svetlana--veteran of long lines in Russia--is the one who comforts
him. He is told that his nephew has been hurt and again, Svetlana shares his memories. Florence
fears her relationship with Anatoly is the cause of his troubles and Anatoly vows to forfeit the match
rather than give her up. Freddie convinces him not to. Anatoly plays and loses. Freddie disappears.
Anatoly decides to go home, reconciles with Svetlana and says goodbye to Florence. Walter tells her
that Molokov got him to make Anatoly's emigration and life hellish in exchange for a franchise to sell
American chess products in the Soviet Union. Florence is furious and tells him to leave. His parting
words are that Freddie is waiting outside and he still cares. She ends with "Someone Else's Story."